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Intro. to Design Thinking
Credit: 1
Open to: 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite: None
A possible alternative to Senior Exhibition (requires approval meeting prior to start of course)

In this course, students will be introduced to the design thinking process. They will use this hands-on, innovative approach to solve problems in close collaboration with members of our school and island communities. Students will build their creative confidence as they learn to move ideas to action through a variety of design projects that foster positive change by addressing challenges in our school and around the island.





















Throughout the course, students will be guided to develop design thinking mindsets and acquire design skills (research, observation, interviewing, data analysis, writing, collaboration, critical thinking, fabrication, visual communication). This course will develop students’ abilities to conceive, organize, lead, implement, and evaluate successful projects in any discipline. Additionally, students will learn how to give compelling in-person presentations.​























This course is a path toward growing authentic student voice into the school innovation process. Beyond school, the Island Innovations Lab will seek to erect a bridge between student learning and our local communities. Projects will be aimed at positively impacting our communities by working side-by-side with diverse leaders and organizations around the island. Over the course of the semester, students will directly apply what they have learned to public service challenges about which they are passionate; they will untangle the complexities of related policy and explore innovative ways to create real impact where they learn and where they live.

It is time for our students to begin sitting in the driver’s seat of their education.

As they take the wheel, we are challenging them to help address big challenges and problems that our island and its people face.

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